Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First CSA

May 20th was our first CSA and it went well. We picked our 60 peas on Tuesday and came out Wednesday morning to pick the rest and beat the heat. It was great to see all the customers new and old and our blogger friend, Becky made it out too. Our kale got a little wilted by the end of the day but the lettuce, swiss chard and green onion looked great. We learned that you've got to keep everything on ice but we'll do that next time.

A couple of share holders actually got to take a tour of the farm too. Besides the chiggers, I think they were impressed. We actually got to trade gardening tips too. I wish they would come out and volunteer but that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Thanks for everyone who came out volunteers and shareholders. I hope it was as rewarding for you as it was for me.